2nd to last semester!
Image by Лариса Мозговая from Pixabay
I usually wait until I've gotten my grades before I declare my semester over. Now that all my grades are in...... YAY!!! 😁
This means I've got 1….. ONE semester left in my M.Div program. 😱 This is just ridiculous!
So many things haven't gone the way they were supposed to. But if seminary is teaching and has taught me anything, it is that while I may plan 100 steps ahead (which I still do), changes are bound to happen. When these changes occur, I've got choices even when they seem unfair, even when there aren't good options. I had to learn that this year.
Sometimes you really are between a rock and a hard place. The devil and the deep blue sea. But even in what seems like impossible choices, there might be a less wrong choice, even if it's just one degree of difference.
Book Cover - Grab You Some Lemons: Make The Best Out of Life's Sour Moments
As my brother friend Damien M. Williams said in his book Grab You Some Lemons, "when life throws us lemons…you may choose to throw back the lemons..you may, on the other hand, choose to make lemonade." I definitely threw back some of those lemons and made some delicious lemonade (with a likkle rum 😉).
The personal development I've experienced throughout my entire degree so far is one I wish for everyone. We learn in different ways. Some require the formal structure of the classroom (like a degree at Meadville Lombard Theological School - I promise it's not all about religion and spirituality). Some experience, and some through self-study and coaching (I offer a 1-on-1 intensive personal development coaching package). When it comes to personal development and the possible resulting transformation, I've benefitted from a bit of all the learning options. The honest truth is that we can go to school but never take on (or have the chance of doing) the self-reflective work that can open us up and lead to more profound growth.
Personal development is challenging, tiring, soul-baring, raw work. AND. It is worth it!
Life hasn't happened as planned, but I will not huff and complain (well, not a lot). I'm grateful. So very grateful to be at this point, to be able to look back and reflect. And I'm thrilled to be able to say Two years and one semester down. One. Semester. To. Go.